Helpful Tools
From time to time we find really helpful tools in our industry that do a great job of educating our members. We wanted to have a special section of our site to share this information with you, your family, and friends. This is just one more advantage of being part of the laborers, please pass this helpful information onto your family and friends.
GoodRx – This website is a terrific tool we use for information on all prescription medications. All you need to do is put in your zip code and prescription name and you will find all sorts of information on your medication. We use this for cost saving opportunities such as generic alternatives, manufacturer coupons, and prescription assistant programs to help you pay your out of pocket expenses. Please contact our team if you’re taking expensive medications as we have had a tremendous amount of success in reducing costs for your medications.
Sav-Rx – This is an insurance program for prescription medication coverage offered to our members. This insured plan provides your generic and formulary medications via copays verse paying full price. Attached is further information, pricing, and enrollment forms for your review.
- LIUNA Economy Plan
- Sav-Rx Prescription Drug Formulary
- LIUNA Sav-Rx Enrollment Form – Member
- LIUNA Sav-Rx Enrollment Form – Others
www.dentalplans.com – This is a terrific website that does not sell insurance policies, this is a discount plan only and not useful to our members who are covered under active or retiree coverage. This is a great discount option for those who are no longer covered under our active/retiree policies. This website gives you discount programs for dental, vision, hearing and more. If you or a family member does not have insurance covering these services, this website will save you significant amounts of money on your purchases.